Mountain House Music Boosters Bylaws

Last Modified March 12, 2025 

ARTICLE I  NAME and Purpose

Section 1.01. Name. The name of this organization shall be Mountain House Music Boosters and may be referred to as MHMB.


Section 2.01. Qualification.

  • All parents, guardians, or other persons with a child participating in the Mountain House High School music program shall be considered voting members of the organization.
  • All students participating in the Mountain House High School music programs.
  • School administrators and members of the licensed teaching staff shall be non-voting, advisory members of the organization.

Section 2.02. Rights and Responsibilities.

  • The members shall have the right and responsibility to attend meetings and events sponsored by the organization, serve on the committees, and be nominated and elected to office.
  • Voting members shall have the right to vote for the officers, review and approve the annual budget, and approve amendments to these bylaws.


Section 3.01. Meetings.

  • General Meetings open to all voting and non-voting members shall be scheduled at least every other month during the school year.
  • There shall be an Executive Board Meeting for the sole purpose of budget planning for the coming year held each year during the first week of June.
  • Additional meetings may be scheduled at any time when a simple majority of the Executive Board deems it necessary.
  • Agendas for all meetings will be set by the President and published by the Secretary at least two (2) days prior to the meeting for all Members to see.
  • A Treasurer’s Report will be prepared by the Treasurer and published with the agenda.


Section 3.02. Quorum.

  • Any meeting may take place with any number of Executive Board Members and Members, both voting and non-voting.
  • Votes may not be held at a meeting without a quorum.  A quorum will constitute a simple majority of currently seated Executive Board Members.



Section 4.01. Qualifications.


The Executive Board shall consist of at least five (5) elected officers.  Executive Board Positions will be:

  • Nominated and voted on by the General Membership on a staggered schedule.
  • Current Board Positions:  President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Chair, Band Chair, Choir Chair, and Orchestra Chair, each serving two-year terms and elected on a staggered schedule.
  • Reserved for current music parents and who have fully read and understand these Bylaws and the requirements of both all Board Members and the specific position they are nominated for.

Section 4.02. Authority.

  • The affairs, activities and operation of the organization shall be managed by the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall transact necessary business during the intervals between the meetings of the membership and such other business as may be referred to it by the membership or these bylaws.
  • It may create Standing and Special Committees, approve the plans and work of Standing and Special Committees, prepare and submit a budget to the membership for approval, and, in general, conduct the business and activities of the organization.

Section 4.03. Compensation and Conflicts of Interest


The intent of this clause is to ensure that The Executive Board and their relatives are treated no differently from other Members, as it relates to the receiving of benefits of the efforts of the organization.

  • Executive Board members shall serve without compensation with the exception that expenses incurred in the furtherance of the organization’s business are allowed to be reimbursed with documentation in accordance with the organization’s financial policies, and prior approval.
  • Executive Board Members will not award material contracts for goods or services to entities in which a member of The Board has direct or indirect financial interest. If MHMB is considering awarding an immaterial contract for goods or services in which a Board Member has a direct or indirect financial interest, the Board Member will abstain from the vote.
  • Executive Board Members will not personally profit, either directly or indirectly, from the activities of MHMB.  This includes but is not limited to:
    1. Using a Board Position or its communication tools to market a personal business.
    2. The receiving of funds paid to an Executive Board Member personally for having contracted services with a vendor or business.

 Section 4.04. General Executive Board Position Guidelines.

  • Executive Board Members will serve a term of two (2) years.
  • Executive Board Members will equally participate in the planning and execution of all fundraising events The Board agrees upon.
  • Incoming Officers begin their term on June 1st. 
  • Outgoing Officers will provide training and assistance to the Board Member Elects beginning after the election meeting through May 31st.
  • All necessary records and documents must be transferred to the Board Member Elects by May 31st. These documents include, but are not limited to: bank records, officer’s books, and current by­laws.
  • Executive Board Members will be active and engaged with all Board business.  This includes but is not limited to:
    1. Reading and responding to email in a timely manner (within 48 hours) at the Board Member email address, as provided by MHMB.
    2. Reading and responding to communications via active Board message app like Slack, in a timely manner (within 24 hours).
    3. Executing all duties specific to their Board Position.
    4. Attending the majority of the General Meetings and Executive Board Meetings.
    5. Any Executive Board Member who does not meet these expectations will be removed from the Board as outlined in these Bylaws.
  • Executive Board Members will save all final documentation for all MHMB work products including but not limited to meeting minutes, marketing materials, event planning notes, etc. on a Board approved, shared drive.
  • All materials produced in accordance with MHMB efforts and events are property of MHMB and may not be distributed or used by anyone outside MHMB without the express written permission of the Executive Board.
  • Any Executive Board Member may be removed from their position if there is sufficient cause by a simple majority vote of the Executive Board Members.
    1. The inability or failure to perform the duties of the position as described in these Bylaws.
    2. Representing MHMB in a negative light to students, parents, employees of the school, employees of the district, or within the community.
    3. Violating any portion of Section 4.4 Compensation and Conflicts of Interest as described in these Bylaws.
    4. Failing to maintain regular contact with The Board.
      • Sufficient cause to remove an Executive Board Member may include but is not limited to:
      • If the Executive Board is in agreement, the decision will be announced to the General Membership at a special meeting and a vote to approve the removal will be held by secret ballot. If the removal is approved, the position will be filled through the nomination and election process as described in these bylaws.
  • An Executive Board Position is considered forfeited if the individual currently holding the position meets at least two of the following conditions and a simple majority of the Executive Board agrees.
    1. Failed to activate MHMB email account before assuming the role on June 1st.
    2. Failed to activate MHMB Slack (or other similar current electronic tool for Board communication) account before assuming the role on June 1st.
    3. Failed to activate MHMB Membership Toolkit account (or other similar current electronic tool for parent communications) account before assuming the role on June 1st.
    4. Failed to communicate with the Executive Board on a regular and timely basis.
    5. Failed to perform the duties of the position held in a timely manner.
    6. Failed to perform additional duties committed to beyond the position held in a timely manner.


Section 5.01. Officers.


The officers of this organization shall include one President, one or more Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Communications Chair, and additional officer(s) as required by the activities of MHMB.


Section 5.02. Nominations.


Executive Board Positions will have a staggered nomination and election cycle to ensure continuity and smooth transitions.

  • In odd years (meaning academic years that end in an even number like 2024-2025), the positions of Vice President, Treasurer, Communications Chair, Band Chair, and Choir Chair will be open.
  • In even years (meaning academic years that end in an odd number like 2025-2026), the positions of President, Secretary, and Orchestra Chair will be open.
  • In the event that an Executive Board Position is vacant outside the regular nomination and election cycle, nominations will be taken for seven (7) days after the position becomes vacant and elections held, if necessary, the first weeknight after nominations close.
  • If the position still remains vacant, seated Executive Board Members may recruit without further nominations or elections and fill the seat with a simple majority vote of Executive Board.


  • Executive Board Positions will be open for nominations April 1st through 8th.
  • Nominations must be submitted electronically either via email to the Secretary or through an online nomination form provided by MHMB during the nomination window.
  • The Secretary will email the Nominee within 24 hours to confirm acceptance of the nomination.
  • In order to become an official candidate, Nominees must accept their nomination via email within 48 hours.
  • Nominees will be communicated to the General Membership via all active MHMB communications tools as they are confirmed and a full and final list will be shared on the morning of April 9th through the same methods.

Section 5.03. Elections.

  • Elections are required for any Executive Board Position with two or more qualified Nominees.
  • In the event that a Board Position receives only one qualified Nominee, said Nominee wins the seat.
  • Elections, if necessary, will be held at an Election Meeting to be scheduled within the first week after April 8th.
  • Candidate attendance at the Election Meeting is not required, but is encouraged.
  • Candidates may provide a written blurb for inclusion on the official ballot in the event that an election is required but it is not required.
  • Members must be in attendance in order to cast a vote.
  • Members may cast only one vote.
  • Votes will be cast using ballots on paper. 
  • Two (2) current Executive Board Members who are not Candidates in the election will tally the votes in the presence of all those in attendance and announce the results. 

Section 5.04. Vacancies.

A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person elected by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Executive Board.
Section 6.01. President.
The President shall:
  • Equally participate in the planning and execution of all business activities with other Executive Board Members as agreed upon by The Board.
  • Be the principal executive officer of the organization and shall in general supervise and control all of the activities of the organization.
  • Preside over all Meetings, including setting agendas for each meeting with input from The Board. 

Section 6.02. Vice President(s).


The Vice President(s) shall:

  • Equally participate in the planning and execution of all business activities with other Executive Board Members as agreed upon by The Board. 
  • In the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President.
  • Perform such other duties as are assigned by the President or the Executive Board.
  • Select and appoint the chairpersons of all Standing and Special Committees and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the organization. 

Section 6.03. Secretary.


The Secretary shall:

  • Equally participate in the planning and execution of all business activities with other Executive Board Members as agreed upon by The Board.
  • Publish agendas for each meeting, as provided by the President, at least two (2) days prior to the meeting.
  • Keep and make available within one (1) week the minutes of all MHMB meetings.
  • Ensure that all notices are duly given in accordance with these Bylaws.
  • Keep and maintain a list of all business matters, including unfinished business, for The Board. 
  • Maintain online calendar with dates of all MHMB meetings and events, including gathering and publishing performance, competition, and other key dates for all music programs.
  • Ensure proper procedures, as defined by Robert’s Rules and these Bylaws, are followed during WSF Meetings.
  • Ensure these Bylaws are upheld by all Members and that violations of these Bylaws are brought to the attention of the President in a timely manner.
  • Ensure a current copy of the Bylaws and Robert’s Rules are available to all Members.  Electronic versions are acceptable.
  • Perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Executive Board. 

Section 6.04. Treasurer.


The Treasurer shall:

  • Equally participate in the planning and execution of all business activities with other Executive Board Members as agreed upon by The Board.
  • Keep sufficient permanent records of all accounts to easily establish all income, receipts, and disbursements of MHMB.
  • Enter all transactions into Board approved accounting software like Membership Toolkit.
  • Maintain electronic records of all receipts and invoices accessible to The Board on a shared drive or within Membership Toolkit.
  • In accordance with current law, keep tax records, RRF-1, SI-100, and any applicable raffle registrations.
  • Ensure the continuation of the organizations non-profit status by meeting the following deadlines:
    1. Taxes are to be filed after July 1st but before November 15th.
    2. Annually file tax forms 990/990N (Federal) and 199N (State) by the 15th day of the 5 month after the end of The Foundation’s accounting period.
    3. Provide a monthly update on expenses and income either electronically or at any scheduled Executive, General, or Committee Meetings for all fundraising efforts and spending categories. Expenses and profits for each component will be reported separately.
    4. Provide a detailed report of all expenses and income at the end of the school year. The report will be made available to all Members and presented to the incoming Board prior to the June planning meeting.
    5. Deposit cash and checks in bank and maintain a cash box.
    6. Complete bank reconciliations on a monthly basis.
    7. Place orders for goods and services as requested by The Board per purchase approval processes as described in these Bylaws.
    8. Pay invoices and reimbursements as requested by The Board per purchase approval processes as described in these Bylaws.
    9. Ensure annual purchases are made in a timely fashion.  These can include but are not limited to renewals of insurance, Parent Boosters membership, Membership Toolkit, etc. 
    10. Provide disbursement of all approved expenditures as directed by the President and Executive Board.
    11. Act as administrator for Board approved software and applications like Membership Toolkit, Google Business, Slack, Cybergrants, Benevity, Network for Good, YourCause, etc.
    12. Review all necessary forms and reports required by any governmental agency with the Treasurer ­elect.
    13. Finalize the books for the current academic year by May 31st.
    14. Complete and submit the Intent to Return packet requested by Lammersville Unified School District by May 31st.
    15. Prepare a proposed budget for the coming school year for discussion and finalization by the Executive Board by May 21st. 
    16. Complete taxes by July 31st.  This responsibility will require working with an Execute Board approved tax preparation company, filing all necessary forms and taxes required by the State of California, the Internal Revenue Service, and any other governmental agency by their respective due dates.

Section 6.03. Communications Chair.


The Communications Chair shall:

Equally participate in the planning and execution of all business activities with other Executive Board Members as agreed upon by The Board.

  • With input from The Board and Committees, publish MHMB news regularly to any and all communication tools in use by MHMB.  This includes but is not limited to:
  • MHMB Website;
  • MHMB Social Media;
  • MHMB Monthly Newsletter; and
  • ParentSquare Announcement Requests. 


Section 6.04.  Band Chair


The Band Chair shall:

  • Equally participate in the planning and execution of all business activities with other Executive Board Members as agreed upon by The Board.
  • With input from the MHHS Band Director, Teachers, and Staff, submit agenda items regarding Band for each meeting to the President one (1) week prior to the meeting.
  • Keep and maintain a list of all business matters for Band, including unfinished business, for The Board.
  • With input from the MHHS Band Director, Teachers, and Staff, maintain online calendar with dates of all Band events, including gathering and publishing performance, competition, and other key dates.
  • With input from the MHHS Band Director, Teachers, and Staff, submit content regarding Band for the website and newsletter to the Communications Chair.


Section 6.05.  Choir Chair


The Choir Chair shall:

  • Equally participate in the planning and execution of all business activities with other Executive Board Members as agreed upon by The Board.
  • With input from the MHHS Choir Director, Teachers, and Staff, submit agenda items regarding Band for each meeting to the President one (1) week prior to the meeting.
  • Keep and maintain a list of all business matters for Choir, including unfinished business, for The Board.
  • With input from the MHHS Choir Director, Teachers, and Staff, maintain online calendar with dates of all Choir events, including gathering and publishing performance, competition, and other key dates.
  • With input from the MHHS Choir Director, Teachers, and Staff, submit content regarding Choir for the website and newsletter to the Communications Chair.

Section 6.06.  Orchestra Chair


The Orchestra Chair shall:

  • Equally participate in the planning and execution of all business activities with other Executive Board Members as agreed upon by The Board.
  • With input from the MHHS Orchestra Director, Teachers, and Staff, submit agenda items regarding Orchestra for each meeting to the President one (1) week prior to the meeting.
  • Keep and maintain a list of all business matters for Orchestra, including unfinished business, for The Board.
  • With input from the MHHS Orchestra Director, Teachers, and Staff, maintain online calendar with dates of all Orchestra events, including gathering and publishing performance, competition, and other key dates.
  • With input from the MHHS Orchestra Director, Teachers, and Staff, submit content regarding Orchestra for the website and newsletter to the Communications Chair.



Section 7.01. Fiscal Year.


The fiscal year of the organization shall be from June 1 to May 31.


Section 7.02 Budgets.

  • The Executive Board, with input from the Treasurer, shall set a budget of anticipated income and expenses at the Budget Planning Meeting in June.
  • The Budget will be present to the Membership at the first General Meeting of the school year for approval.


Section 7.03. Banking.

  • The organization shall maintain a non-profit business checking account at a certified bank.
  • The bank account shall have three (3) Executive Board Members listed as authorized users:  Treasurer, President, and Vice President.  Each individual will have access to viewing the bank account registers and balances at any time.
    1. In the event that any of these three positions are vacant, another currently seated member of the Executive Board will be added to the account.
    2. The bank account may never have less than two active Executive Board Members on it.
    3. In the event that less than three (3) Executive Board Members are on the account for longer than three weeks, the organization will be deemed terminated and all funds will be turned over to Mountain House High School within one week.
    4. The Treasurer shall ensure that all cash and checks are deposited in a timely manner.
    5. All deposits and disbursements shall be documented by receipt, invoice, or other written documentation and kept electronically in a shared drive or Membership Toolkit.


Section 7.04. Expenditures.

  • Once the Budget has been approved, all expenditures totaling $500 or less will not require additional approval.  Any expenditure over $500 must be submitted to at least the The Executive Board.
  • If the purchase must be made in less than 14 days and a meeting of any sort is not currently on the calendar, an electronic vote is allowed and will include all Executive Board Members.
  • If the purchase can wait for more than 14 days, the item will be added to the agenda for the next scheduled meeting of any sort.
  • All purchases and payments not included in the annual budget regardless of the amount will need to be approved, including the intent to create a new, funded budget item.
  • If the purchase must be made in less than 14 days and a meeting of any sort is not currently on the calendar, an electronic vote is allowed and will include all Executive Board Members.
  • If the purchase can wait for more than 14 days, the item will be added to the agenda for the next scheduled meeting of any sort.
  • All purchases and payments should be made by the Treasurer.  Should the Treasurer not be available, purchases and payments will be made by the President or Vice President.


Section 7.05. Requests for Support and Reimbursements.

  • A Request for Support (RFS) may be submitted by any seeing financial support or reimbursement from the organization in support of music programs at Mountain House High School.  MHMB monies must be used fulfill our mission.
  • An RFS submission is required for any expense to be paid by MHMB, including reimbursements or purchases already covered by an approved budget.
  • All requests must be submitted online via the Request for Support form located on the MHMB webpage. 
  • All requests will automatically be sent to the Treasurer, President, and Vice President. 
  • Approval of requests will follow the procedures outlined in these Bylaws.


Section 7.06 Ownership

  • All equipment, supplies, and consumables purchased by MHMB as a result of a Request for Support or through the use of fundraiser monies are property of MHMB.
  • If the Requestor leaves Mountain House High School at any time, all items purchased by MHMB and currently in use by the requestor, will be immediately returned to MHMB.
  • MHMB may vote to gift items purchased via a Request for Support to Mountain House High School or Lammersville Unified School District with a simple majority but not to an individual teacher, administrator, staff member, or student.
  • In the event of the termination of this organization, all assets of MHMB will become the property of Mountain House High School. 


Every member of the Executive Board, officer or employee of the Organization may be indemnified by the Organization against all expenses and liabilities, including counsel fees, reasonably incurred or imposed upon such members of the Board, officer or employee in connection with any threatened, pending, or completed action, suit or proceeding to which she/he may become involved by reason of her/his being or having been a member of the Board, officer, or employee of the Organization, or any settlement thereof, unless adjudged therein to be liable for negligence or misconduct in the performance of her/his duties.


Provided, however, that in the event of a settlement the indemnification herein shall apply only when the Board approves such settlement and reimbursement as being in the best interest of the Organization. The foregoing right of indemnification shall be in addition and not exclusive of all other rights which such member of the Board, officer or employee is entitled.

ARTICLE 9.  wSf committees

These Bylaws may be amended at any General Meeting by a majority vote of the members present, provided that at least thirty (30) days’ notice of the proposed amendments has been made to the membership.


The Executive Board may amend these Bylaws by a simple majority vote at any time if waiting for a General Meeting will impeded The Boards ability to conduct day-to-day business.